The General Management of Rame Service S.r.l. is aware that a responsible economic strategy, alert to the issues regarding the protection of workers’ health and safety, is essential for the protection of all subjects, internal and external, who are involved with the company. The company believes that the continuous improvement of its performance in terms of workers’ health and safety leads to significant commercial and economic advantages and at the same time meets the expectations of progress in the territorial context in which it operates.
The company aims to maintain and improve a HSE Business Management System for security and environment that involve:
- the operating structure;
- the responsibilities;
- the procedures;
- processes and services;
- available resources.
The adequacy of the HSE Management System is committed through:
- the identification and reduction of the environmental impacts taking account of direct environmental aspects and also of the indirect ones related to suppliers and the supply chain of materials and products used;
- the maintenance of the site of Rame Service S.r.l. located in Piobesi Torinese in compliance with laws and regulations in force;
- the reduction of energy consumption in any form and the optimization of natural resources by reducing the consumption of water and wastes generated;
- the implementation of a measurement system in order to verify the continuous improvement of the following aspects: water consumption, quantity of waste, electricity;
- the implementation of every effort, in organisation, operating and technological terms, to prevent risks regarding the health and safety of workers;
- the definition of objectives and targets for workers’ health and safety, to be integrated with the operational management of the company and with its own development programs;
- the consultation, according to the law and the Management System, by the personnel regarding the risk assessment, the prevention and protection measures, the results of the monitoring, the training, information and programs, the objectives and improvement programs;
- the strengthening of all operators’ training and information activities, aimed to make them aware of their individual obligations, of the importance of each of their actions to aim the expected results and their responsibility in terms of safety;
- the commitment to stepping up the levels of safety, health, ergonomics and mental and physical wellbeing of all workers, through the work organization for that purpose, by making available sufficient and adequate economic, human and technological resources;
- the identification of the hazards of the activities and the risk evaluation for existing activities and for each new activity and / or process, in order to adopt solutions able to prevent accidents, professional illnesses and in any case minimize, as far as technically possible, occurrence and existence of such events.
Every year, before defining the objectives plan, the Management checks whether to adapt the Company policy to the new needs of the stakeholders.